Booking directly = Free benefits
Hotel Grand Canal Delft
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Booking directly = Free benefits

Book your stay directly with us now and enjoy the best prices and availability. Our central location in the heart of Delft, our comfortable rooms and excellent service will make your stay unforgettable. Don't wait any longer and book your stay at now!

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Direct booking discount
Complimentary 2nd Drink
Discount on a snack
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House rules

The following rules are the house rules that apply in our hotel. You are obligated to obey by these rules. In case of violation of the house rules, we will deny access to the hotel and if necessary  the police will be informed.

The Management is not responsible for losing, theft or damage to your property.
Access room by staff at Hotel Grand Canal.
Hotel Grand Canal reserves the right to enter a room if the staff think it is necessary.
Such as (suspected) breach of the house rules.

Fire safety rules
Instructions what to do in case of a fire are open to inspection at the reception desk.
Do not panic and turn on immediately the nearest fire alarm.

It is strongly forbidden to take hotel property outside the building. When causing any damage to hotel property, the perpetrator will be held responsible for all repair or renewal costs.

Lost property
Lost property can be brought at the reception.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.
In Hotel Grand Canal it is NOT allowed to smoke. They will be sanctioned with a fine of at least € 100, it is prohibited by Dutch law to smoke inside.
Video surveillance
With your visit you agree that video recordings are made with our security ‘s after disturbances or accidents recordings can be shown to others.
Food and drink
It is not permitted to take food from the breakfast room
The breakfast should be eaten in the breakfast room.
Using, trading or possessing of any drugs is strongly forbidden. This includes hasj, marijuana and weed.