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House rules

House Rules:
Below, you will find the house rules that apply in our hotel. You are required to adhere to these rules. Violation of any house rule may result in immediate reporting to the police, regardless of the individual involved, and a denial of further access to the premises.

  • The management is not liable for the loss, theft, or damage of your belongings.
    Hotel Grand Canal reserves the right to enter a hotel room if deemed necessary by staff. This may include cases of (suspected) violations of the house rules.
  • In case of fire, do not panic and immediately activate the nearest fire alarm. Fire instructions are available for review at the reception.
  • It is forbidden to take any property belonging to us outside the building. You are liable for repair or replacement costs in case of damage to or loss of hotel property.
  • We kindly ask our guests to leave the room in a tidy and normal condition upon departure. If the room is found to be in an exceptionally dirty state, we reserve the right to withhold part or all of the deposit to cover additional cleaning costs. In such cases, an extra cleaning fee may be charged.
  • Any lost items found should be handed in at the reception.
  • Unwanted advances or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Due to fire safety regulations, it is not permitted to light candles in rooms or hallways.
  • Smoking is NOT allowed anywhere in the hotel, including out of windows. Violating this rule will result in a fine of €175.00.
  • If the fire alarm is triggered due to smoking in the room, a fee of €275 for fire department call-out costs will be charged to you.
  • Filming staff is not permitted and violates privacy laws.
  • By visiting, you agree that security cameras may record video footage. In the event of incidents or accidents, footage may be shared with third parties.
  • It is not allowed to take food out of the breakfast area. Breakfast must be consumed in the breakfast room.
  • The possession, use, sale, or consumption of any narcotics is strictly prohibited.
  • The use of nitrous oxide is forbidden on the hotel premises. If nitrous oxide canisters are found or confiscated, a disposal fee of €150 per canister will be charged.
  • Criminal activities are strictly prohibited.
  • It is strictly prohibited for anyone within our building to possess and/or carry any type of weapons. If this is observed, the police and judicial authorities will be contacted.
  • It is strictly prohibited to cause disturbance to other guests, including but not limited to loud music, unruly behavior, or any form of noise disturbance. Should we receive complaints from other guests, we reserve the right to withhold the deposit and/or request you to leave the hotel.
  • The owner of this property and/or any personnel employed by the hotel cannot be held liable for any injury and/or material or immaterial damage that visitors to the property may experience.

In all situations not covered by this regulation, the management of Hotel Grand Canal Delft will make a final decision. If these rules are not followed, the management reserves the right to involve the police and judicial authorities, and you may be asked to leave the premises immediately. The hotel reserves the right to terminate the reservation without refund of the reservation fee.